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They Say “You Need to be Passionate to Achieve Something Big”. How True Are They?

Is "passion" the most important factor to achieve big heights in life or is it something else? What is your take on it?

Are you passionate about something?

The Passion Puzzle: Do you think It Is Enough to Climb Life’s Mountains?

Imagine scaling Mount Everest. 

The raw thrill of conquering a behemoth like that.

The breathtaking panoramas. The sheer grit it takes to push your body and mind beyond known limits. That’s passion, folks.

Many people may have multiple passions. Then you have to pick one where you feel more inclined to.

It’s the fire in your belly, the fuel that propels you towards those seemingly impossible dreams.

Without fire in the belly or ‘never give up’ attitude you are not going to go very far. 

You may be born with this hunger or you may have to instill it in yourself. 

Spoiler alert: it’s not so simple.

Recent research by the University of Pennsylvania found that while passion is a key ingredient in big-picture success, it’s just one piece of a complex puzzle.

Passion is something that you will feel like you cannot absolutely live without. 

To unlock your full potential, you need a diverse toolkit, a “Swiss Army Knife” of skills and attributes that complements your passion, not replaces it.

Let’s debunk the passion myth, one data point at a time:

  • A 2023 Stanford study revealed that individuals with high levels of grit (perseverance and resilience) were 2.5 times more likely to achieve their long-term goals than those with high passion alone. 
  • Think of grit as the sherpa guiding your passion through treacherous terrain.
  • Harvard Business Review reports that while passion drives initial engagement, skill development is crucial for sustained performance. Remember, even the most dedicated climber needs the right gear and training to reach the summit.
  • A study by the University of Chicago found that individuals with strong strategic planning skills were 40% more likely to accomplish ambitious goals. Passion might show you the mountain, but planning provides the map and compass to navigate the climb.

So, passion is the spark, but what lights the bonfire? Here are the essential ingredients to fuel your ascent:

  • Hard work and dedication: Passion fades without consistent effort. It’s the daily grind, the early mornings, and the late nights that turn dreams into reality. When you are truly passionate about something, be it solving a very impactful problem or earning huge amount of money, you just keep working and working and try to find a more authentic and valuable ways to tackle your life. 
  • Talent and skill development: Some goals require specific skills beyond mere enthusiasm. Hone your natural talents, invest in learning, and turn passion into refined capability.
  • Strategic planning and goal setting: Don’t let passion be a rudderless ship. Set SMART goals, chart your course, and adapt as needed. Remember, even Everest climbers adjust their routes based on weather and terrain. Another big thing is being hopeful and optimistic about whatever you’re trying to achieve. 
  • Supportive network and environment: Surround yourself with cheerleaders, mentors, and accountability partners. Their belief in you can be the oxygen that keeps you moving uphill.

Think of passion as the engine, but these other factors are the chassis, the wheels, and the GPS of your success vehicle.

Without them, your journey might stall, sputter, or even take a scenic detour (which can be fun too, by the way!).

Spark of your passion and Fuel of your intention =

Leads to Action =

Leads to Success

Enjoyment (Passion Nourished) + Contribution (Intention Directed) = Fulfillment (Big Life):

Here we can see the importance of keeping your passion enjoyable throughout the journey and using your intention to direct your passion towards contributing something meaningful, leading to a life filled with fulfillment.

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